Getting Started

To get started with in a local Machine you need to first clone our github repository.

git clone --depth 1

To get the right dependencies you could use different strategies depending on your local machine.

With Conda :

If you are running this starting kit locally, you may want to use a dedicated conda env.
Instructions to setup a conda env

With Docker

The main advantage of using docker is that you dont have to worry about dependencies since a good docker container generally has all the dependencies.

docker pull
  • Step 3. Start a shell within the container to run the challenge. Assuming that is the path to your source checkout on your host machine, the following command will make the source directory available as /HEP-Challenge in the container and start an interactive bash shell

docker run --volume=<source>:/HEP-Challenge --interactive \ 
--tty /bin/bash
  • Step 4. Start the notebook, The next command will give you a link which can copy to your browser and run the notebook

jupyter notebook StartingKit_HiggsML_Uncertainty_Challenge.ipynb --no-browser

⚠️ Note:

If you are running this starting kit on MAC OS, you may want to check and install libomp package. This package is needed to run xgboost model. Follow the steps below for complete installations.

If still you are facing problems with XGBoost, you can uninstall the current xgboost and install py-xgboost in your environment

Uninstall XGBoost

pip uninstall xgboost

Install py-xgboost using conda

conda install py-xgboost