Simple One Syst Model

Example: Statistical-Only and 1-Systematic Case Analysis

This example demonstrates how to obtain results both with and without systematic uncertainties in a statistical analysis. It is divided into two parts: Machine Learning and Statistical Analysis.

Problem Overview

Six systematic uncertainties are parametrized by nuisance parameters (NPs). The NPs and their corresponding uncertainties are:

  • Tau Energy Scale (tes)

  • Jet Energy Scale (jes)

  • Soft missing energy component (soft_met) [default: 0]

  • Total background scale (bkg_scale)

  • ttbar background (ttbar_scale)

  • Diboson background (diboson_scale)

The default NP values are 1.0, except for SOFT_MET, which has a default value of 0.

For two scenarios:

  1. Statistical-Only: NPs are fixed to default values.

  2. 1-Systematic Case: For each pseudo-experiment, only one NP floats while the others remain fixed.

Example Breakdown

The process is split into two main sections:

1. Machine Learning:

2. Statistical Analysis:

  • File:

  • Objective: Use the classifier output to extract the signal strength through statistical analysis.

⚠️ Note: You can find all related files in the simple_one_syst_model.

Workflow Overview

Because training a classifier on all systematic variations is impractical, this workflow suggests training on the nominal dataset and using that trained classifier to analyze systematic variations. This is feasible for low-dimensional cases (i.e., 1 or 2 systematics). Here’s how it works:


  1. Train the Classifier: Train on the nominal dataset.

  2. Set Binning: Define binning for the classifier output.

  3. Gaussian Variation: For a chosen systematic (e.g., TES), generate points following a Gaussian distribution with the NP’s mean and uncertainty.

  4. Generate Datasets: Use systematics(dataset, tes=new_tes) to generate datasets for each systematic variation point.

  5. Classifier Application: Apply the trained classifier to these derived datasets.

  6. Template Creation: For each classifier output bin, perform a polynomial fit on the systematic variation points to create templates (e.g., for TES). Save templates in saved_info_model_XGB/tes.pkl.

  7. Repeat for Other Systematics: Follow steps 3-6 for each systematic.

  8. Perform the Fit: Load the systematic templates and perform a fit to extract the signal strength.

Machine Learning: Classifier Training

The machine learning task involves using XGBoost to distinguish between signal and background events. Below is the setup for the XGBClassifier:

from xgboost import XGBClassifier

# Training setup
model = XGBClassifier(
    eval_metric=["error", "logloss", "rmse"],

# Fit model, labels, weights, eval_set=[(X_valid_data, valid_set[1])], sample_weight_eval_set=[valid_set[2]], verbose=True)

# Predict probabilities
model.predict_proba(data)[:, 1]

Key Details:

  • A StandardScaler is used to normalize features before training. The same scaler should be applied to the test data during prediction.

  • early_stopping_rounds halts training if validation performance doesn’t improve.

  • Hyperparameters can be tuned further.

  • Saved models are stored in model_XGB.pkl and model_XGB.json.

Tip: If you want to implement a custom classifier, ensure it follows the general model interface provided in

Statistical Analysis: Signal Strength Extraction

This part deals with extracting the signal strength while accounting for systematic uncertainties.

1. Building Templates

The templates for each systematic are built using the function calculate_saved_info(self, holdout_set, file_path).

2. Fitting Procedure

  1. Load Templates: Load pre-built templates (e.g., tes.pkl) or generate them with calculate_saved_info() if missing.

  2. Polynomial Coefficients: Retrieve coefficients for polynomial fits from alpha_function().

  3. Fit the Signal Strength: Use compute_mu() to perform the fit.

    • The signal and background yields are modeled as: \( \mu \cdot S(\alpha) + B(\alpha) \)

    • alpha represents the current NP values, and the fit minimizes the negative log likelihood (NLL) using the iminuit package.

Note: Gaussian constraints are applied to NPs based on their default values and uncertainties.

How to run it

The model fits one systematics at a time hence we need to decide which one it would be beforehand with MODEL_SYST_NAME.

export MODEL_SYST_NAME="jes" # if you want to fit the Jet Energy Scale systematics

python3 HEP-Challenge/ \
--use-random-mus \
--systematics-tes \
--systematics-soft-met \
--systematics-jes \
--systematics-ttbar-scale \
--systematics-diboson-scale \
--systematics-bkg-scale \
--num-pseudo-experiments 100 \
--num-of-sets 1
--submission HEP-Challenge/simple_one_syst_model

The following is the structure of the folder: